Controlling the E4 Board with Remote Control and MQTT

Are you looking for a way to remotely control the Relay output on and off for your E4 board? Do you want to check the import state of the board through an MQTT broker server using your mobile phone? Look no further, as we have prepared a code for you that allows you to do just that!

Understanding the Code

Before we delve into the code, let’s take a quick overview of how it works. You can download the code from our website, and it is a relatively short code that you can easily understand.

Installing the Arduino Library

Before you can use our code, you need to install the Arduino Library for MQTT. Luckily, you can install this library online by using the “Manage Libraries” feature in Arduino. Once installed, you are ready to proceed.

Examining the Code

Let’s take a closer look at the code now. The code defines the relay output, which is the key component for controlling the E4 board remotely. It also includes the code for scanning the keys and incorporating the MQTT and Wi-Fi libraries.

One crucial aspect that you need to modify is the SSID and password of your local Wi-Fi network. This is necessary for establishing a connection with the MQTT broker and enabling remote control through your mobile phone.

Choosing an MQTT Broker Server

In order to use remote control functionality, you need to have an MQTT broker server. We recommend using the Kingconys Encoded Color Server, which is free to use. However, if you prefer, you can also set up your own MQTT broker server easily.

Topics and Commands

The code includes specific MQTT topics to communicate with the E4 board. The topic of interest for remote control is the “command” topic, which allows you to send commands from your mobile phone to the board. On the other hand, the “state” topic provides you with the current state of the board.

By understanding and customizing this code, you can easily control the Relay output of your E4 board through remote control using MQTT. Enjoy experimenting and exploring the possibilities!

Revolutionizing Real Estate with Four Important Commands

The Power of State and Input/Output

In the world of real estate, there are four essential commands that can significantly impact the industry. The first command is known as “State.” This command is used to determine the current status or condition of a property, whether it is available for sale, rent, or lease. The second command is the “Input/Output” command, which is used to control various aspects of a property, such as lighting, heating, and security systems.

Channel 4: A Game Changer

One of the most influential commands in the field of real estate is the “Channel 4” command. This command allows users to access a dedicated channel that provides valuable information and resources related to the industry. Whether it is market trends, property listings, or expert advice, Channel 4 is a game changer for anyone involved in real estate.

The Importance of ID

When it comes to utilizing these commands, it is crucial to understand the significance of the ID. In real estate, every property is assigned a unique identification number. This ID is essential for tracking and managing properties efficiently. While other aspects may be changed or modified, the ID remains constant, serving as a primary identifier in the industry.

The Code: Customizing Wi-Fi and Mac Address

To generate the desired commands, it is necessary to personalize certain aspects. One such aspect is the Wi-Fi Mac address. As each individual has a unique Mac address, it is crucial to replace the existing address with your own. By doing so, you can ensure that the commands are tailored specifically to your needs and preferences.

Mastering MQTT: Username and Password

MQTT, or Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, is a crucial component in the real estate industry. To establish a connection with the MQTT cloud server, a username and password are required. In this case, the recommended username is “mqtt,” while the password is set as “123.” These credentials allow seamless integration with the IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities provided by the MQTT server.

The Powerful Relay Output and Key Input

Relay outputs play a vital role in controlling various devices within a property. By defining the relay output, users can effortlessly manage aspects like lighting, HVAC systems, and security features. On the other hand, the key input is responsible for initiating actions based on certain triggers or events. Together, these two commands enable efficient and seamless operation of different functions within a real estate setting.

Connecting the Dots: Wi-Fi and MQTT

Ensuring a stable and reliable Wi-Fi connection is essential for seamless communication between devices. The “Wi-Fi Connection” command allows users to establish a secure and efficient connection to their network, avoiding any disruptions in data transmission. Additionally, the “MQTT Connection” command ensures a smooth integration with the MQTT cloud server, enabling real-time data sharing and analysis.

Publishing Topics: Spreading the Message

With the MQTT connection established, users can publish messages related to specific topics. These messages serve as valuable updates or notifications that can be received by connected devices or individuals. By connecting your board to the Cloud Server, you can effectively distribute messages, such as “I am kc86884,” to relevant recipients,

Understanding the Channel Relay Codes

In the world of IoT (Internet of Things), relay control plays a vital role in managing electrical devices remotely. This article will delve into the concept of channel relays and how they are programmed using MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) messages.

Channel Relay Codes Explained

Before we dive into the programming aspect, let’s understand what channel relays are. Channel relays are devices used to control the switching on and off of electrical loads. These relays are labeled as Channel 2, Channel 3, and Channel 4. Each channel relay corresponds to a specific code that triggers the desired action – turning on or off the relay.

Electrical State and Code Modification

To ensure the smooth operation of the relays, it is essential to modify your code based on the required electrical state. The code incorporated should include all states necessary for the functioning of the device. It’s important to note that this is just an example, and your code may differ based on the specific requirements of your project.

Understanding Scan Keys and Functions

Scan keys are a crucial part of relay control systems as they facilitate digital input scanning. In this particular setup, there are four scan keys identified as Key 1, Key 2, Key 3, and Key 4. Each scan key serves its purpose and assists in the overall functioning of the relay control system.

First Case Function – Key Detection

Let’s explore the first case function, which focuses on key detection. When a key is pressed, a certain action is triggered based on the assigned key number. In this case, if Key 1 is pressed, the system will read the state and initiate the necessary action. It is important to note that the state is read and processed digitally, enabling smooth communication between the relay and the device. Once the state is read, the message is sent to the designated MQTT topic, labeled as “state.” This enables real-time relay operations.

The Role of MQTT in Relay Targeting and State Updates

By pressing the designated key button, the relay is targeted, initiating the desired action. Simultaneously, the latest state of the relay is sent as an MQTT message to the “mcre State” topic. This ensures that the relay’s state is constantly updated and can be monitored remotely. This efficient MQTT integration allows for seamless relay control and monitoring.

Downloading and Connecting with the MQTT Code Server

Once you have understood the workings of the code, you can proceed with downloading it. Attach a USB device and locate the specific code you intend to utilize. Download the code onto your device and proceed further. To establish connectivity, open the “mqtt box test toy” application and connect it with the MQTT code server. This step ensures that your device is successfully connected to the MQTT network.

The utilization of channel relay codes and MQTT integration has revolutionized the field of IoT. By incorporating intelligent relay control systems, it becomes easier to remotely manage and monitor electrical devices. Understanding the functioning of scan keys and the intricacies of relay targeting and state updates allows for efficient control of the electrical system. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully download the code and establish a connection with the MQTT code server, enabling seamless relay operations.

Connecting to MQTT

To establish a connection with MQTT, certain parameters must be set. These include the MQTT username and password, which can be configured in the MQTT box. By providing this information, we can ensure a secure connection. Additionally, the state must be mounted in order to subscribe and receive messages.

Successful Connection

Once the necessary information has been provided and the state has been mounted, we can wait for the download to complete. Once the download is finished, we can see that the message has been received from the A4 board, indicating a successful connection. By using the ceremony open to window, we can also control various functions simultaneously.

Connecting to Wi-Fi

To connect to Wi-Fi, a step-by-step process is followed. Initially, the device attempts to connect to Wi-Fi using the provided credentials. Upon successful authentication, the MQD block is connected. This enables the device to send messages, such as “hello world” or “hi, I’m k6884.”

Controlling Input and Feedback

By using the MQTT interface, we can control various input channels. For example, if we input “one two three four” and swiftly press the shoot button, we can observe a quick response. Subsequent presses allow us to toggle between different options and observe the corresponding changes in the relay status.

Channel Control

In addition to controlling the input channels, we can also manipulate different channels individually. By turning on channel three, we can witness the associated changes, and the same goes for turning on or off channel two. By toggling between radio 1 and radio 2, we can activate or deactivate the respective channels.

By carefully following these steps, you can effortlessly connect to MQTT, establish a stable Wi-Fi connection, and efficiently control the input and output channels.

Setting up the MQTT Book for your Android Phone

Are you looking to control your devices remotely using your Android phone? With the MQTT Book, you can easily monitor and control your smart devices from anywhere. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up the MQTT Book on your Android phone.

Downloading and Installing the App

The first step is to download the MQTT Book app from the Google Play Store. Simply search for “Key Box Smart” and install the app on your Android phone. Once the installation is complete, click on the app icon to open it.

Adding a Device

To start controlling your devices, you need to add them to the MQTT Book app. Click on the pencil icon to add a new device. You will be prompted to choose the number of channels for your device. If you’re using A4, select the 4-channel option. However, you can also choose 16 or 32 channels if needed.

Configuring the Device

Now it’s time to configure your device. Enter the IP address “” in the designated field. This should match the settings on your computer. Additionally, enter the port code “mqtt” and the device ID “123456123456”. The MQTT username is “mqtt” and the password is “123”. After entering these details, click on “OK” to proceed.

Controlling Your Devices

Once you have successfully added and configured your device, you can now start controlling it using the MQTT Book app. The app provides a user-friendly interface with buttons for each channel. You can turn on or off each channel individually by tapping on the corresponding button.

For example, let’s say you want to turn off Channel 1. Simply tap on the button for Channel 1 and see the state change on the app. Similarly, you can turn on Bluetooth, enable the release way, or activate Channel 4 by tapping on the respective buttons.

Utilizing the Key Box Remote Controller for Global Access

The Key Box Remote Controller has revolutionized the way we interact with technology. With just a stable internet connection or a SIM card, users can now access and control devices remotely from anywhere in the world. This article explores how to employ MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) for Cloud Server and remote control A4, providing users with a seamless and convenient experience.

Accessing the Cloud Server

To begin utilizing the Key Box Remote Controller, it is crucial to connect to a Cloud Server. The Cloud Server acts as a central hub, facilitating communication and control between various devices. By establishing a connection to this server, users gain access to their devices remotely, ensuring utmost convenience and flexibility.

Implementing MQTT for Remote Control A4

Using MQTT is an efficient and reliable method to control device operations. MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that ensures minimal data transmission and high-speed communication. By adopting this protocol for Remote Control A4, users can remotely activate various functions and commands with ease.

Setting Up the Mobile Phone Remote Controller

One of the notable features of the Key Box Remote Controller is its compatibility with mobile phones. With a simple setup process, users can utilize their mobile phones as remote controllers. By downloading the designated application and connecting it to the Key Box Remote Controller, users can effortlessly navigate through device functions with the touch of a button.

Seamless Control from Anywhere

Thanks to the Key Box Remote Controller’s global accessibility, users can seamlessly control their devices from anywhere in the world. Whether at home, in the office, or on the go, simply having an internet connection or a SIM card is all it takes to ensure uninterrupted control. This revolutionary feature allows users to monitor and adjust device operations even when they are physically far away.

The Benefits of Global Access

The advantages of global access through the Key Box Remote Controller are vast. For instance, imagine being able to turn on the heating system in your home before you arrive, ensuring a cozy environment upon your arrival. Or, picture remotely activating security systems to safeguard your property even when you are away. The possibilities are endless, making daily life more convenient and secure.

The Key Box Remote Controller paired with MQTT capabilities has transformed the way we interact with and control our devices. With a global connection, users can remotely access their devices from anywhere in the world, using their mobile phones as intuitive remote controllers. This technology opens doors to countless possibilities, enhancing convenience, security, and efficiency in our daily lives.

The MQTT Book app is a versatile tool that allows you to control your smart devices conveniently from your Android phone. By following the easy steps outlined in this article, you can set up the app and start managing your devices remotely. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility that the MQTT Book app brings to your smart home or office!

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